

My name is Baruch “Ben” Cohen.  This is my blog about famous (or not so famous) Jewish guys and gals who are founders, creators, owners, etc. of big companies, websites and services… in various technology related industries.  As times allows, I will try to add more articles, history and interesting stuff about these “Tech Jews.”  Want to know more about me, or maybe you want to know more about  Ask away!

Some of my questions and thoughts…

1.  Where are all of the girls?  I’ve been scouring the web to find these “Tech Jews” that I’m blogging about, but most of the people showing up so far are guys.  Are there any women out there suitable for my site?

2.  Who is a Jew?  I want to add more people to my blog.  Help me out.  Do you know of any Jews in technology relates industries that I can add to my site?  I’m looking for mostly big-name people, founders, creators, owners, etc. of big companies, websites and services.

3.  These are familiar names to me, but I haven’t done my research yet.  Are these guys Jewish?

-Michael Arrington (TechCrunch)
-Robert Scoble
-Erick Schonfeld
-Amit Gupta (Photojojo)

4. Wiki or where? I’m getting a lot of my “about” information from Wikipedia. We all know that Wikipedia is not the most trusted source. So, can you suggest some other (more reliable) resources for learning more about the religion and career history of people?


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